
明尼苏达州农村电力协会 provides a variety of training to electric cooperatives, 与供应商成员协作以支持合作需求, and engages with cooperative member-owner families through our annual 青春之旅.


明尼苏达州农村电力协会 provides member cooperatives with 教育al opportunities like new director training, 领导力培训, 和更多的.



We collaborate with 供应商 and partners to support our member electric cooperatives.



我们的青年旅游计划, 一个让高中生参观我们国家首都的机会, is one of many examples of how electric cooperatives support their local communities.



明尼苏达州农村电力协会 provides member cooperatives with 教育al opportunities like new director training, 领导力培训, 和更多的.




We collaborate with 供应商 and partners to support our member electric cooperatives.



我们的青年旅游计划, 一个让高中生参观我们国家首都的机会, is one of many examples of how electric cooperatives support their local communities.



明尼苏达州农村电力协会 provides member cooperatives with 教育al opportunities like new director training, 领导力培训, 和更多的.



We collaborate with 供应商 and partners to support our member electric cooperatives.



我们的青年旅游计划, 一个让高中生参观我们国家首都的机会, is one of many examples of how electric cooperatives support their local communities.


For more than 50 years, electric cooperatives have sponsored the annual Rural Electric 青春之旅. 16-18岁的高中生被选中去华盛顿特区旅行.C. 亲身体验政府的运作方式.

参与电力合作社提供领导、历史和乐趣. 青春之旅 attendees spend a day on Capitol Hill visiting with our senators and representatives, 目睹了我们最著名领导人的纪念碑的宏伟, reflecting on the true cost of freedom by eyeing row upon row of white crosses at Arlington Cemetery, and experiencing what life was like on George Washington’s beloved Mount Vernon plantation.


“的 Rural Electric 青春之旅 is a great avenue for youth to get involved both in the energy production and consumption of their community and in energy policy at a national level. It was a pleasure to meet with the students from southern Minnesota and to hear their thoughts on the renewable energy sources that will come to fruition during their lifetimes. 我被这一代未来的领导人所鼓舞, and I hope to see more students in Washington as part of future Rural Electric 青春之旅s.”


被选为华盛顿特区议员.C. youth tour, you must apply through the electric cooperative that serves your area of the state. Thirty-three of Minnesota’s electric cooperatives participate in the Washington 青春之旅. Each co-op has a unique application process and criteria to select the student or students to be sponsored as delegates. 如果你是一名16-18岁的高中生, 请联系当地的电力合作社了解合格要求.


We provide our members extensive training and 教育 opportunities for every role at electric cooperatives. 我们的培训领域包括领导能力, 管理, 金融, 监督, 客户服务, 技术最佳实践, 每月现场安全会议, 学徒认证, 实际操作技能, 热线工作, 计量和更多.

教育是七项合作原则之一, and we strive to support Minnesota’s electric cooperatives with the knowledge they need to provide member-owners with reliable, 安全, 以及负担得起的电力.



我们的 lineworker apprenticeship program is an exciting opportunity to be a part of the solution for long-term grid reliability amid the clean energy transition.

从地下系统设计到了解电路基本原理, apprentices learn the trade from experienced journeymen in the context of a member-owned, 非营利性电力合作社.

为学徒, this means something different than working for an investor-owned or municipal utility— it means being a part of a cooperative business model. 以服务当地需求的历史为指导, 电力合作社优先考虑社区服务, 教育, 民主治理, 独立自主.

旨在满足联邦和州劳工部的要求, the beat365中文官方网站 lineworker apprentice program is four years with the potential to test out in 1-2 years. 学徒在熟练工的监督下动手学习. 在学徒期结束时, 公用事业人员已做好安全施工的准备, 操作, 并维护电力系统.

Those interested in pursuing a career in cooperative utility linework should have a sense of adventure, 对社区的热情, 也不怕高. 欲了解更多信息或招收学徒, 365beat中文网.


Supporting Minnesota’s electric cooperatives would not be possible without our vendor members. 我们的 供应商会员计划 提供广告和营销机会以及会议, trade shows and events for 供应商 to network with electric cooperative employees.

点击这里查看我们的会员名录 & 买家指南.
要订购副本, 点击这里.

对赞助、展览或广告感兴趣的? 365beat中文网.


6月中旬, 来自明尼苏达州和爱荷华州的14名线工旅行了大约2小时,800英里来改造一个乡村, 世世代代改善危地马拉家庭的生活. 的 trip was part of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s International Program, which has been providing volunteers to illuminate villages and homes in impoverished countries around the world since 1962.

Minnesota and Iowa electric cooperatives were pleased to be able to send lineworker down to Guatemala for two weeks to help with this life-changing work. Las村Peñas, 海拔大约6,000英尺, is made up of about 35 homes scattered on the crests and flat areas of the mountainside, 在危地马拉东部的Jalapa社区附近. Crews helped build more than three miles of powerlines and wired the homes for electric service.

的 lineworkers who volunteered are used to working hard in some rough conditions, 但6月份为期两周的旅行将他们推向了新的极限. 的 ride to the village, after the staging area at a local ranch, was grueling. 去那个村子, 探险队花了一个多小时在岩石上跳跃, 溅起水坑, 横跨褪色, 在车辙上打转,在湿地上滑行, 四周前还不存在的红粘土路. 雨, 时而一片片来,时而像一团挥之不去的灰雾, 保持路面光滑,行驶缓慢, and caused the team to walk the last mile into the village on a couple of days.

“地形比我想象的要难,——格兰特·库泽, 斯特恩斯电气协会, 说. “每天晚上都下雨.”

All the work had to be done by hand without bucket trucks and other large equipment available in the states. 然而,他们确实有愿意的当地居民. 他们很愿意帮忙,史蒂夫·德弗斯滕, 苏谷电气, 南达科塔州, 谈到危地马拉人时说. 的 crews were amazed at how the locals did the work that would be done by equipment back home, 从山的一边跑下来,再从山的另一边跑回来.

“当地人太棒了, 它们穿过这个地形就像我们在平地上行走一样,瑞安·鲁曼斯说, 贵族合作电力公司. “这太神奇了,没有他们我们不可能做到.”

当地市政当局现在将管理这些线路并为该村服务. 电力的引入将给社区带来有意义的变化. 在农村, boys often attend school while girls are kept home to do housework and food preparation. 有了电,女孩可以和男孩一起上学. 另外, 电力带来了许多其他好处,包括:更好的健康, 减少厨房的明火, 食物冷藏, 经济增长等.

“电力将给他们带来更好的教育和更好的生活,威利说。, 团队的翻译之一.

同时建造这条线, 工作人员还在房子里安装了几个插座和灯泡. 一些年纪更小的男孩很高兴能有光, 这样他们就不用用蜡烛了, 而另一位50多岁的男子则表示,他迫不及待地想要一台冰箱, 所以他可以保存食物.

在上山的最后一天, the crews met the locals outside the village for a small ceremony and to say their goodbyes.

的 leader of the village spoke on behalf of the community, expressing their gratitude to the team. “感谢所有帮助过我的人,”他说. “你带来了快乐,希望我们现在可以用电做更多的事情.“这项工作呼应了美国的时代.S. about 80-90 years ago when rural areas received power for the first time thanks to rural electric cooperatives. 由于农村电气化,今天美国人的生活明显改善了.

One Guatemalan woman summed it up nicely: “I am grateful that you came here to visit. 今天是你们在这里装上电的大日子.”



本·霍伊特,Lake Country Power, MN
Steve Bronner, MiEnergy Cooperative, MN
Steve Dvergsten,苏谷能源公司,明尼苏达州
Grant Kulzer, 斯特恩斯电气协会, MN

Brian Reidy,爱荷华州中东部农村电力合作社
Andy Koopmann,东部爱荷华之光 & IA电力合作社
Mike Berkenpas,西北农村电力合作社,伊利诺斯州
Hunter Venz, Prairie Energy Cooperative, IA


的 trip was part of National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s International Program, which has been providing volunteers to illuminate villages and homes in impoverished countries around the world since 1962. 的 program has been working in Guatemala since 2011 and volunteer workers have brought electricity to more than 7,在农村社区有1000人. 的 teams that went on behalf of all of Minnesota’s and Iowa’s electric cooperatives couldn’t have done the work without the generosity of many donors, 供应商, 想要支持这项工作的合作社和个人.


明尼苏达州农村电力协会,与…一起 爱荷华州电力合作社协会他帮助组织了这次旅行. You can see photos and videos from the trip if you join the dedicated Facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/2094274217615477/),“2024年助力危地马拉更光明的未来”.”